#1 Mori Girls

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Many of you may have heard of lolita, ganguru and other Japanese trends, they are the product of Japan's unique society. But the rise of Mori Girls is a proof that some might just want to go back to nature.
Mori Girl literally means 'forest girl', it's a new fashion trend that started in Japan in 2007. It was started by Japanese Actress Aoi Yuu with her role of Hanamoto Hagumi in 2006 drama Honey and Clover (originally a manga by Umino Chika). Mori Girls have down-to-earth life style, and wear natural coloured clothing and vintage accessories. Although it has a short history, Mori Girls quickly gain support of many Japanese girls and even spread to Europe.

Aoi Yuu as Hagu

They aim to have a 'natural' look, to portrait someone who live in the forest. They do their hair in a natural way (wavy, braided) and sports organic hair pieces like flower and lace. Contrary to most Japanese fashion trends, the Mori Girls prefer little or no make up. Organic one-piece dress, earmuff, and fluffy hats and scarf are all the signature of Mori Girls. They love oversize, puffy clothing and layers (Layer is a major part of Mori Girls). Being a Mori Girl may sound simple, but it is the exact opposite, there are many small details in how a Mori Girl dress, and living like one is certainly easy....

The major part of being a Mori Girl is actually living like one. They have a very down-to-earth approach to things and enjoying things that are what I call 'enviormental'. Mori girls love to drink tea and enjoying time with friends, collecting thing, and taking photographs. (One of the rules of Mori Girls is to carry a camera with you all the time. What is different from other Japanese girls is that instead of taking photo of themselves, they take photo of little things in life.) Mori Girls are fascinated by European cultures. Northern Europe, London and Germany are the main influence in Mori Girl's life style.

The Mori Girls are a interesting phenomenon in Japan. Many other popular Japanese fashion trends (or should I call life style) are perhaps focused in look (I'm generalizing, as Lolitas and many others also have a 'specisfic' life style like Mori Girls, but Mori Girls' life style are the most distinctive and different from others). Mori girls goes against every other trends. Sporting no make up (or natural), flats, and easy-to-the-eye colours. It is almost like these girls are going backward - back to the origin of everything. Japan is the country of technology and invention, yet these girls (and boys) are rebelling against everything that country is. There is a Chinese saying call '物極必反': Things will develop in the opposite when they become extreme, perhaps this is why Mori Girls was created.

Japan not only view fashion as clothes, but a life style. Becoming a Mori Girl is not just about dressing like one, but being one.
Do you want to be a Mori girl? Check out this list created by the original Japanese Mori Girls and translated by the English Mori Girls community.

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